Musicianship 2: Method Book for the Early Intermediate Pianist


The Musicianship series is comprised of theory lessons coordinated with drills in rhythm, technic, and ear training, which are then applied to short pieces to ensure understanding.  Throughout the course, no two adjacent pieces are in the same key, meter, phrase structure, character, or historical style.

Musicianship 2 introduces major scales, tetrachords, intervals 6th, 7th, and octaves, shifts, crossings, syncopation, scale practice, inverted major/minor triads, extension practice, consecutive pedaling, ear training, rhythm drills, and preparation pieces.

Click to listen/download:
33.  Allegro
34.  Threnody
35.  Wondering
36.  Antique Melody
37.  Turkish Dance
38.  A Curious Story
39.  Vagabond’s Song
40.  Crosscurrents
41.  Relay Race
42.  Arabesque
43.  Brisk Walk
44.  Spanish Song
45.  Andante con Moto
46.  Allegro Vivace
47.  Etude for the Left Hand
48.  Sidewalk Tune
49.  Polish Lament

Click to listen/download keyboard patterns:
1.  Lesson 5:  Keyboard Pattern #1- Contractions
Keyboard Pattern #2- Shifts
Keyboard Pattern #3- Crossings
1.  Lesson 6:  Keyboard Pattern #1- Contractions
Keyboard Pattern #2- Shifts
Keyboard Pattern #3- Crossings
1.  Lesson 7:  Keyboard Pattern #1- Extensions to 6th
Keyboard Pattern #2- Blocked Parallel 6ths
Keyboard Pattern #3- Extensions to 6th and 7th
1.  Lesson 8:  Keyboard Pattern #1- Contractions/extensions
Keyboard Pattern #2- Shifts/extensions
Keyboard Pattern #3- Crossings/extensions



The Artistry at the Piano series is a comprehensive and thoroughly organized piano program.  There are four levels of learning consisting of four books in each level with downloadable mp3s of all the works.

The Musicianship series, the method book, is a part of a 4 book set, supported by Workbooks for project analysis, Ensemble books for extended learning and the pleasure of playing with others, and Repertoire books for expressive performance pieces.


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